This is getting silly.  I saw two posts talking about how others attack
folks, calling for it to stop and then doing it themselves.
I have also seen posts about MS.  ????  What has that got to do with
anything?  As a person who has a disease that can mimic MS, I find this
disturbing.  Why?  ›Moderator's note: I think there was some confusion
between MG and MS, otherwise, yes, it makes no sense.  BIG|
Well, first of all the above mentioned statement was just that, someone's
statement.  There was NO citation to go along with such a weird post.
Plus it doesn't have anything to do with ferrets.
Ferrets are carnivores.  We aren't.  You cannot necessarily use studies
(I hesitate to use that word since there wasn't a citation) on different
species to assume facts.  Or even maybes.
In this whole debate, I have yet to see any real evidence on either side
about anything.  Yes there is some recalling of personal experience, and
that is a good thing.  But leave it at that.  Or just pick that out of
the posts.  Not the "well if I didn't do this, this would happen" stuff.
Unless someone has some proof about any "studies" I would take all that
with a huge boulder of salt.
There are too many so called "experts" here, saying stuff and not giving
sources for their info.  And talk about scientific method.  If I am not
mistaken that includes reproducible results from studies.  Ever wonder
why things get approved by the FDA for human use and then recalled?  It
is because the FDA accepted small studies with limited trials, that were
later proven wrong.
Yes ferrets have a lot of health issues.  Unfortunately there isn't a lot
of good information out there about them.  I see our so called experts
quoted all over the internet, just because they can write in a scientific
sounding manner, and have built up their own credentials (either by
inference or outright lies).
So make sure that when you believe something, it is coming from the
ORIGINAL source of the information, not someone who has regurgitated it
and possibly changed it around.  You need to be able to look at primary
sources, and see how they got their information.  Do your own research.
Look up those sources, and also look critically at what you are reading.
Do they cite where they got their info?
You and I can read the same information as anyone else here.  Vets have
more first hand experience (at times) than we do.  But not always.  Even
vets can be wrong.  Trust your own instincts.  Mine tell me that ferrets
aren't nearly as fragile as some would like us to believe.  They do have
health issues, but my own gut wonders if that is just because we have
lengthened their life spans.  Old age brings on the break down of the
body.  As for teeth?  I dunno.  I have owned cats for decades and even
at 20 years old being fed kibble their whole lives, they don't have a lot
of dental issues.  But I could be wrong.  I just haven't seen anything to
back up claims about this type of stuff.
No I don't believe that you can extrapolate information from wild animals
that don't live nearly as long to a domesticated animal that lives what,
triple the age?
Feed a good diet, be it kibble or raw.  Or both.  For heaven's sake give
your babies some treats.  Lol.  Find a good vet that you can actually
discuss things with, and take your babies when they need it.  Give them
lots of hugs.  And please read everything here with a very critical eye.
Margie and her Maniacal Mob
[Posted in FML issue 5166]