Hi everyone,
I've been lurking on the list lately, but something just came up with my
Lola that I needed to ask advice on.  She's not young-- going to be eight
this year-- but other than adrenal surgery five years ago has been very
healthy.  However, today I tried to rouse her for playtime and cuddle
time, and she was very lethargic.  The thing you have to understand about
Lola is it is her mission in life to kiss and groom me.  Preferably my
tummy, but she will smooch whatever she can reach.  She is licking my
toes as I write this!  But maybe half an hour ago, I picked her up and
cuddled her inside my bathrobe, and she did NOTHING.  She was grinding
her teeth a little bit; other than that just lying there.  I offered
her Ferretone, which she showed only mild interest in.  Gave her some
hairball remedy in case her tummy was bothering her.  I sat with her in
the living room, where she is normally not allowed and always tries to
explore, but she just lay curled up with me.  When I put her down on the
floor, her hind legs seemed very wobbly; she would try to walk somewhere
but end up listing to the side and flop over.  Minutes later, she was
completely over it, and like I said is now back to licking my toes and
begging to be picked up.
I did some searching on hindlimb weakness, and Lola's behavior seems
scarily similar to the symptoms of hypoglycemia.  I'm going to try to
get her to the vet tomorrow, but in the meantime does any of this sound
familiar to anyone?  At first I was petrified-- Lola has been with me for
seven years and hasn't had a health problem in five.  She still gets the
crazies, even if she is a bit old and creaky.  She is the loviest ferret
you could meet.  Any thoughts?
Thank you so much, please send Lola your good thoughts.
Rachel, Lola, and Pukka
[Posted in FML issue 5166]