This is my long-overdue thank you to everyone who wrote regarding my
questions about raw food.  Since Rocky has never wanted to eat any other
kind of meat except chicken, I went out and bought a whole expensive one.
Gave him part of a wing.  He wouldn't touch it.  He didn't even seem
want the flesh part.  No dark meat, bones or skin for him!  It must be
food karma: since childhood I would never eat anything except boneless,
skinless, white meat; and I still prefer it.
So what was I gonna do with a whole chicken?  Chicken soup for me and
chicken gravy for Rocky.  What a lot of labor, especially the chicken
I really was hoping Rocky would eat other parts of the chicken for more
complete nutrition and his teeth.  Oh well...I guess the fact that he'll
eat raw chicken breast, egg yolk and occasionally a cooked bone is better
than no unprocessed food at all.
Since I seem to have started up this whole controversy, I will say that
I had two thoughts regarding a ferret's ability to eat something that
perhaps would make humans sick.  In the wild, if a ferret takes down a
rabbit, I doubt he's gonna eat it all at once, thus the food-hiding habit
we all see.  Unless it's winter, the leftover rabbit isn't going to be
"refrigerated."  So I would think ferrets and other carnivores would be
able to eat things we can't without getting sick.  My other thought was
that since their sense of smell is so much better than ours, they'd be
better able to detect that something is bad to eat.  Just a thought...
not science.
To those worried about the "hidden" leftovers under the sofa or in the
dustiest corners of the room, I always found that the meat or bone would
dry up very quickly.  It was only when I kept it wet in his bowl by
adding water that it spoiled really quickly.  Not that you want meat
scattered all over your home.
So for now, it's raw chicken breast, chicken gravy and kibble.
Shron & Rocky
[Posted in FML issue 5165]