Greetings fellow ferret lovers!
We've just added some exciting new topics to The Hidey Hole Forums!
New Topics Include:
  * New Members Area :: Introduce yourself to us!
  * FML Card Exchange :: Show off cards and discuss upcoming exchanges!
  * Fun with Ferrets :: Share funny ferret stories, jokes or anything
    else that makes ferrets such fun critters!
  * New Ferret Owners :: If you're new to ferrets, then this is for you!
  * Ferret-Proofing :: Share and receive ferret-proofing tips.
  * Cardiomyopathy :: Learn or help others learn about Heart Disease
    in ferrets.
  * Lymphoma :: Learn or help others learn about Lymphoma, a common
  * Pet Loss :: Find support in those that have also felt your pain.
We hope that you'll find these additions to be useful.  Please let us
know if you think we're missing anything.
Hope to see you there!
Jen AKA Ferretlover
Happy Dookin',
The Hidey Hole Gang -
Jen, Mike & The Critters
The Ferrets - Loki & Vivi
The Rats - Ruby, Selphie, Boo, Rikku & Trillian
Missing Jamocha, Fria & Duke (ferrets)
Algernon, Plato & Mystique(rats)
Punk (hedgehog) & Dixie (chicken)
[Posted in FML issue 5165]