Renessa asked about adopting a retired racing greyhound, and about how
the dog might get along with ferrets.  My mom had a retired track dog--
she was a very sweet and gentle dog where human beings were concerned,
but she really triggered on anything small and moving.  Even on a leash,
she managed to nab a couple of squirrels and a baby bird or two, she was
that fast.  Fancy, the greyhound, and my ferret Amelia interacted a few
times.  I do believe that Fancy wanted to play with Amelia, but I'm not
at all sure whether she saw Amelia as a playmate or an interactive toy.
I wasn't willing to test this, and Amelia didn't seem very eager to
interact with Fancy either.
So, while a greyhound puppy might be ok, based on my experience I would
not trust a track-trained greyhound to hold its training and instincts
in check around ferrets.
Regina Harrison  [log in to unmask]
"Is that my business?  Well, what is my business?  Do I know?  Did I ever
know?  Let's not go into that.  You're not human tonight, Marlowe.  Maybe
I never was or ever will be... Maybe we all get like this in the cold
half-lit world where always the wrong thing happens and never the right."
--Raymond Chandler, The Little Sister
[Posted in FML issue 5164]