Anytime Wolfy answers her phone with, Am I in trouble?  I know I
had better read the FML!  I have learned a lot about myself here.
May I please remind everyone that hurricane season runs from
June 1 - Nov. 31.  Therefore, it could not possibly have been a
hurricane that Wolfy experienced.  She is a little slow, y'all,
so you have to forgive her delusions!
I know for a fact that the two ferrets that blew through were the cause
of the commotion.  Please rest assured that they are now in the home and
arms of the heroine who rescued them from horrible circumstances in the
wake of Hurricane Katrina, Susann Thiel.
It was my pleasure to pick up Josephine and CoCo, two beautiful ferrets
who were transformed into the playful creatures they are today throught
the care of Louisiana's newest shelter, Frazzled Ferrets, and operator
Nancy Bardwell, as well as the wonderful vet, Dr. Haley Burke, who turned
out to be one of my relatives!  They immediately were accepted into The
Poop-in-the-Corner Gang and then tried to take on the Stout's ferrets as
well.  On New Year's Eve, after a trip from south LA to northwest LA and
then to New York via Chattanooga, these little ones arrived safely at
their forever home.
Susann Thiel is one of the nicest people you will ever meet.  She and
her wonderful husband George were so gracious to take in a stranger with
a carful of fur!  She took time from her family, her work and her own
life to help the helpless critters in south LA not once, but twice!  We
ushered in the New Year together and she even surprised me with a
birthday present!  I can assure you that she is NOT just another pretty
face.  This is one brilliant woman!
And Wolfy, Scott, Chet and Sean were gracious to accept me not once, but
twice, into their home as I made my annual trek to my home state of LA.
For what it's worth, all of the people with whom I visited this trip
were met through the FML.  What a wonderful group of people you are.
Here's hoping you all have a wonderful 2006.  Mine started with a bang!
Remember, you cannot save the world but you may be able to help someone
near you.  Bloom where you are planted, savor the moment and remember,
sometime, somewhere, someone may walk up to you and say, Smile, you're
on Candid Camera!
renee :)
Ferret Aid 2006
June 23 - 25, 2006
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
International Ferret Congress
[Posted in FML issue 5111]