Thank you so much for making my baby Elvis (even though he was just a
little over 5yrs old still my baby) welcome in Heaven and for helping
him find Gizmo and Sissy.  Let him know that Noni is doing better but
still really misses him at night in their cage(they never slept apart).
She has switched to one of the other beds in their cage, she will not
sleep or even lay in the bed that they shared even though I washed it.
Sammy is trying his best to cheer her up as am I and with both of them,
it is helping to not dwell (at least not too much) on how much I miss
Let him know how much he is missed and loved and look forward to when we
see him again.  I bet his coat is now back to its beautiful chocolate
color and his eyes are clear again.  Thank you again.
Mom, Noni, & Sammy missing Elvis dreadfully
[Posted in FML issue 5128]