>What's up with FORCED FEEDINGS?
I think it's time we retired that terminology and replace it with
"assisted feeding" or something similar.
There are times when a ferret just WILL NOT eat on his/her own.  If the
owner doesn't do something, the ferret will starve.  Not a good outcome.
Assisted feeding can include hand feeding kibble one piece at a time, or
giving liquid diets off the finger, a spoon, or by syringe, dropper or
other device for introducing the food slowly.
With the last method, sometimes the ferret will willingly lap up the food
off the end of the syringe.  Sometimes s/he will need to be scruffed
lightly.  And sometimes the ferret will need to be firmly scruffed and
the tip of the syringe forced in the side of the mouth and the food
slowly dripped into the ferrets mouth, giving the ferret time to swallow.
Remember it's better than starvation.
I have NEVER seen anyone on this list advocate shoving massive amounts
of food down a ferret's throat.  Of course in doing assisted feeding,
the person must go slowly and be careful that the ferret does not choke
or aspirate the food.
I have used all the above methods of assisted feeding.  Sometimes it
has been very difficult for both me and the ferret.  But I know I have
kept them alive by doing it.
[Posted in FML issue 5127]