Dooks to all.  I begin this week with a sincerely "hello" to all - my
sincere empathy for those with sick or missing fuzzlets, and the the most
sincere wish that all who are experiencing sick, missing, or perhaps
passed on kids - the return to good health, the return to good home, or
the return from the broken heart land.  From the bottom of my heart - I
do wish you all well, and will keep you all in my prayers, daily.
Just my quick "2 cents worth" - regarding this "slam around" that is
happening to Vinnie's folks.  Guys - we all are human, ok?  We all make
mistakes, and have accidents, whether or not they are ferret related.
How many of you have accidentally let the "cat" or "dog" out when you
weren't supposed to?  Anybody rock their rocking chair on the cat's tail,
besides me?  The point that I am trying to make is that when you don't
know someone, and you don't know their circumstances - we should not say,
based on what we "assume" - from the little info given here, that this
person is not a "good" fuzzie parent.  We all have area's in our lives
that could use some improvement.  I for one, acknowledge that - and since
that is the truth - then the following applies: People who live in glass
houses, should not throw stones".  And trust me, I live in a glass
mansion!! **for reference only**.
Sometimes we forget that most of us come here - to learn from others,
about illness's, accidents - and sometimes to share experienc es with
each other.  We come here to grieve, love, laugh and most of all to be"
Fuzzie Mom's & Dad's.  I personally, do this to learn, laugh, and grow,
and if I have learned just one thing from a post - then it was well
worth it.  What I don't think we come here for - is to have someone
"attack" us, because of a bad experience we have had, or to be made feel
"small" because we don't do something - the same was as someone else.
Personally, I think that with Dave's post - he has really given us ALL
something to look at - and I for one, have GAINED from what he has
shared.  But not everyone will agree that they have - and that is OK.
That is what makes us "individuals" - with our own minds.  Doesn't make
us bad OR good.  Just makes us "hooman".  I personally do not believe
that this forum is intended for slamming someone, because they do
something "different" from what we do.  And I think - if I share my
story - if it is negative, and/or something bad happened because of it -
well then maybe I can PREVENT someon e from having to go thru the pain
of the same mistake I made.  You see?  Let's let this sleeping dog lie
now guys.
Hugs, dooks to all
Kim and her "missing one", added one, Army of furry idiots......
Lord, help me to be grateful for what I have, and not greedy for what I
[Posted in FML issue 5125]