I think that awarding prizes does encourage both breeding and buying
UNLESS the groups providing the shows have a qualification such as
an announcement somewhere pointing out that there are health concerns
about specific patterns such as ones that can be created by neural
crest genetic variations.
People look too often at the fact that there is a ribbon, and no further.
It would make sense for there to be a way for the ribbons to be easily
distinguished by anyone (including potential kit buyers) from the ribbons
of animals who have a better chance of being healthy.  Perhaps you
already do that.  If so, then Kudos.
I agree that all ferrets are wonderful.  We have and have had ferrets
who would fit your tuxedo class.
The problems occur later, outside the show if the ribbons are misused.
Making sure that ribbons and certificates for markings that are
questionable in terms of health look DIFFERENT from standard awards
protects ferrets, your show, and purchasers of kits from being abused.
I agree that shows should honor all ferrets; but the shows can also
protect ferrets, themselves, and those who love ferrets by making sure
that while being so very loving and considerate they take such simple
but obvious precautions against later misuses.
In the dog, cat, horse, and some other domestic animal worlds breeding
for appearance has caused a huge number of breed specific problems and
reduced lifespans for some breeds.
The ferret world began going in that direction and too many have
already suffered as a result.
Complete health and longevity records for lines are essential, and
stopping the slide into abuses of the ferrets' own welfare for no better
reason than superficial qualities like appearances is not only the smart
way for all shows to go, but it is ultimately the best way to be fair to
all ferrets and those who love them.  If you do not make the ribbons and
certificates for ferrets with questionable genetics very different,
please do so.
[Posted in FML issue 5125]