Hi everyone!  Hope everyone is recuperating well after the holidays.
I've been having troubles with my three ferts lately.  Squeak started
scratching his ears and just generally itchy all over it seems.  Mostly
the ears though.  I took him to the vet and was gave drops to put in his
ears for the mites.  Well next thing I know all my fuzzies are scratching
at the ears something terrible.  So back to the vet with all my ferts.
This time the vet gave them all two shots apiece.  One an antiobiotic
and one for the mites.  Also sent me home with meds to drop in their
ears every other day.  Well the scratching stopped but they weren't
themselves.  Just slept most of the time.  I think the shots have wore
off as they are running around again but Squeak is scratching again.  I
have washed their bedding frequently and now decided to put Squeak off
in a cage by himself to cut the spread again if that is what it is.
Anybody have this trouble with mites?  What did you do?
[Posted in FML issue 5111]