"YOU" may not BELIEVE it is important to vaccinate your ferrets ( This
is YOUR OPINION, NOT FACT), but by stating that you have talked to a few
vets that share YOUR OPINION of not vaccinating or pre-treating, "YOU"
are sending the wrong message to ferret owners.  You even challenged the
credibility of the numerous vets (in your first post on this subject) out
there that "DO" believe in vaccinating ferrets against canine distemper &
rabies as well as pre-treating.
In your private e-mail to me, you had stated that YOUR FRIEND that BREEDS
FERRETS" doesn't vaccinate her ferrets against canine distemper, nor does
she vaccinate any of the kits against canine distemper she sells unless
the new owner requests it.  That statement SCARES the heck out of me as
there is a good possibility of these viruses spreading because of
unvaccinated ferrets.  Does she even explained to the new owners why
numerous vets feel it "IS" important to vaccinate their ferrets??
I had also requested in my private e-mail to you, what state you and your
friend lived in.  (I didn't ask for her name nor do I want to know it.)
I had explained to you upon doing reasurch as well as questioning my
vets, that there are numerous states in the USA that DO REQUIRE that
ferrets to be vaccinated against canine distemper and or rabies according
to STATE LAW.  In New Jersey (my state), it is required by state law that
you vaccinate your ferret against canine distemper.  As for the rabies
vaccination, it's not required by state law but is strongly suggested.
If a ferret scatches, nips or bites someone, and THERE IS PROOF of this
vaccination, the ferret is quarantined for observation and then returned
to the owner.  If there is NO PROOF of the vaccination being given, then
the ferret is quarantined and then euthenized, then tested for rabies.
Personally, I would rather have my ferret back (ALIVE).
Lastly, the remark that set you off ranting "ALWAYS PR-TREAT" was NOT
posted by me.  That was posted by a different DEBI.  The statement
containing EDUCATE THE PUBLIC" was "ME".  If you are going to ridicule,
please make sure you have the right person.  Just because we both have
the same name (DEBI), DO NOT ASSUME that we are the same person as you
are strongly MISTAKEN.  If you actually read the e-mail addresses, you
would have realized that we WERE NOT the same person before attacking us.
I strongly suggest that you check your state laws on vaccinating ferrets
before you start ridiculing us for our ADVICE & OPINIONS.  You just may
find that the information that we are giving out IS correct.
[Posted in FML issue 5124]