I'm trying to put together a very short speech / presentation to convince
a local shelter to include ADV testing as a pre-requisite for preparing
ferrets as adoptable.  I'm not medically trained, so I'm not sure how to
make my case effectively.  I've been reading a lot on the interenet, but
I still can't come up with anything I like.  (I've been trying to come up
with a bunch of bullet points that I could then discuss).
I know that there are a lot of knowledgeable people on this list that
has written articles about the importance of ADV testing.  If you have
anything like this on the net, could you please send me the URL?  I am
not going to post it anywhere or claim it as my own.  I would like to
print it out (or include the URL as a list of references if I do come up
with a bullet point list) to share with the shelter.
http://members.cox.net/nuri    <---- my ferrets' website (in progress)
[Posted in FML issue 5123]