Thanks to those of you who sent me your good wishes and ideas for trying
to locate my lost ferret, Scratchy.  It is now 5 1/2 days that he has
been missing and I am beginning to fear the worst.  Every shelter, animal
control department and neighbor knows he is missing.  I have been out
calling him and even used his old squeaky hotdog that I found when I
removed the dishwasher (he used to hide in there before I plugged the
opening - but the hotdog was still stashed!).  I had to tell my 5 year
old daughter that he was missing when she stayed over on Tuesday - I
had lost a lot of sleep about that conversation!  So far, she is still
willing to believe he will be back - although I tried manage expectations
as I know that the longer he is missing the worse it is ... Anyway, I
will continue to keep hope alive and keep looking!
I am now worried about Itchy, the bonded cagemate of Scratchy.  He
is eating, etc - but he seems very lethargic.  I am not a ferret
psychologist, but he seems depressed.  Normally he is eager to get out
of his cage and run around - but for the last few days I will open the
door and he does not come out of his hammock.  I have pulled him out to
give him some love - and try in an obviously insufficient way to fill in
some of the missing physical contact he is so used to - and he will play
for a while.  But he has even gone back to his cage by himself and gone
back to sleep.  Again - just as if he were depressed!  I am not sure
what to do - I do not want to rush out and replace Scratchy, especially
because I still have hope he will turn up and my daughter is not ready
to get a "new Scratchy."  But perhaps I could foster a shelter-ferret
for a while and, if things work out and Scratchy does not turn up in a
few weeks, he could become a member of the family.  Another thought was
to get a small dog - which I have been thinking about also - and see if
it gets along with Itchy.  Any thoughts from group members who have
experienced a similar loss of a cagemate - through death or otherwise -
would be appreciated.
Thanks, ASG
[Posted in FML issue 5122]