Happy Noo Year from NE lower Michigan.  Many Dooks and prayers for Peace
and Prosperity, and Fuzzy Kisses.
The year has had many challenges, especially with illness and losses of
our fur-kids.
But, remember all the love that you had with them.  And now that the
spirit has been release from the body, and traveled to the Rainbow
Bridge, our fur-kids are more free than what we are.  They will no longer
experience illness nor death, only life eternal.  And we shall all be
reunited with them and the Great Spirit/Creator/Architect of the
Universe/God and never again be separated.
Life is precious, and eternal life is even more so.  Love your fur-kids,
and love one another, for life will go on here, but also in the spirit
world, it is Life after life, a life without end.
God Bless all of you on the FML and all of the Fuzzies, and those who
send replies from the Rainbow Bridge.  Each one of you are a gift from
the Almighty.  Thank you.
Rev. Ronald L. Sims, D.D. & Family: 2 hooman-beans, owned by 2 Ferts,
2 Felines, and 3 Canines.
[Posted in FML issue 5110]