I am short on time and the FHL host (Smartgroups) is having some problems
so my reply to you there was lost or delayed.
The only one of our own bilaterals to have ulcer problems had such
problems and IBD beforehand.  In fact, we have run into almost NO
problems as long as they get their meds.
The one with GI problems absolutely HAD to have Percorten instead of
Fludrocort/Florinef because the Fludrocort passed through him too
IMPORTANT: if the ferret is under any strain including health problems,
or has a decent weight gain, or has substantially increased activity
then the doses needed will be larger.
The longest lived here bilateral with Fludrocort/Florinef and
Prednisolone for at least 5 years.
Re: osteoporosis: one route to this is thought to be increased amounts
of FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) released by the pituitary which
can happen in response to reduced levels of melatonin (which in turn is
produced by the pineal gland in response to darkness).
In relation to carry people's posts; I can not speak for anyone else,
Tony, but given that authors' and hosts have copyright protection I hope
that you asked the author and the person she quoted before using the
posts elsewhere.  If not, then hopefully next time you know about getting
their permission beforehand, now.
BTW, you can easily find posts on these things by searching in the FHL
Archives.  Unfortunately, the exchanges Dr. Murray and I have had on
FSH and bone have been private.  I thought he had mentioned it publicly
on the FHL but I don't see it there.
Here is a great adrenal read from Dr. Jerry Murray:
(which is a really excellent read)
Jadesun, are you sure the noise is not grinding as with nausea or ulcers?
The liquid form of Carafate which is available from pretty well any
pharmacy and some vet hospitals tends to be quite well accepted (though
there are exceptions) and is ideal for bandaging ulcerations when given
at least 10 minutes before food, and separated from medications by 45
minutes to an hour (to be safest).
-- Sukie (not a vet)
Ferret Health List co-moderator
FHL Archives fan
International Ferret Congress advisor
[Posted in FML issue 5121]