Hey all dis is SaraFerret.  Sad news about poor Mully.  I mean, first it
was Sandee with her mishap tail-braiding and now poor poor Mully.  Now
dis is whats happened--I know dis, because unlike usually I was up early.
I yelled at Mully to come out and play badminton wit me.  I guess Mully
had forgotten about our plans to get a bit of exercise.  So I hears him
yell OK SaraFerret I be right out.  Well he got dressed in a hurry and
forgot to put his mukluks on (dose are boots for paws) and he zipped
outside and what do you guess happened!!!  A poor little wandering
porcupine had gotten lost and had drifted over to de mustey side--poor
guy--seeing was not de porc's thing.  Well Mully steps on de porc's tail
and the porc thinks he was under attack--shot quills into poor poor
Mully's paw.  Wowsie, betcha dat really hurt.
The porc seeing what he had done was so frantic thinking de BOSS was
going to bounce him off de bridge ran around and screamed and hollered
medic, medic.  And Mully just shrieked.  Well dear sweet Nanna and Auntie
Mary Ferret came running from their dens and proceeded to calm the porc
down so he would quit shooting quills and I went over to Mully and
started to pull de quills out.  Okay Mully it be ok--I am trying to helps
you.  I had betadine--I tink dat is what de Boss gave me and was swabbing
each place dat I took a quill out--I tink dere was 10 quills in all and I
have to say his paw- or rather two paws were totally covered with the
betadine once I was finished.  OOPS!  and den Nanna came over and tells
me--SaraFerret you are really a helpful little girl.  That was sweet of
you to do dat especially since you got stuck with quills when you pulled
those out of Mully.  Well no I didnt Nanna--its just the stuff I put on
Mully.  She had some bandages and de Boss came down and studied poor
Mully and it was decided dat he was to be bandaged and one of dose fancy
collars were to be put on him since He just knew Mully would pull the
bandages off and try to scratch it while it was healing.  I begged de
Boss (in one of my rarest altruistic (dictionary again) moments--and said
please not a satellite collar--I promises to be wit Muldoone at all times
except the private times--ya know poo times and bath times.  I will guard
him.  Mully looked at me wit de strangest look and says SaraFerret you
just amaze me--I really tought dat you didnt like me.  I says Huh????  Of
course I love you--my sweet fellow bridge greeter.  So for de next bit of
time or when de Boss says it be okay MuldooneFerret will be unable to do
greetings, but SandeeFerret and me SaraFerret will still be here.  Mully
has to be on bedrest and he will be okay.  Hey in heaven tings happen
like dat--I mean no one gets really sick however dere are accidents dat
happen.  And Auntie Mary Ferret went over and comforted the poor
porcupine who was sobbing his little heart out--honestly I didnt mean to
(sob, sob, sob) I donts know what happen.  I will bring all sorts of toys
and food and pepsis and ice teas and crackers wit squirt cheese to
Muldoone.  And he ran over to Mully and asked for Forgiveness-no hugging
of course and Mully being the adorable guy he is told Porc dat it was
ok-it was just a natural reaction.
Ya know dere are lots of tings dat happen at de Rainbow Bridge, not just
greetings--ya know maybe I will write a book on de Rainbow Bridge and de
tings dat happen here.  I must really discuss dis wit de Boss and Sandee
and Muldoone.
Hugs and dooks to all
SaraFerret from the Rainbow Bridge with Muldoone
[Posted in FML issue 5120]