Hi, dis be Mr. Muldoone here.  We bees busy and dat not bees a gud ting.
We has bunches of fewets comin to da Bwidge and dat make da hearts of
all da gweeters sad.
Firstist I gweets Buford.  He bees sick for a while and his familee hads
to help him to da Bwidge, dat mean he gots da foreber shot every fewet
knos bout.  His mom sends me a wetter and say dey misses him a bunch.
She say he be dwagging a blue baffrober ting wif him and dat be 'xactly
what I sees when he comes 'crost da Bwidge.  He say to me, dis be my
mom's and I bwings it wiff me acause it smell wike her.  I helps him to
find Dweezil and Ginger who comes here afore him.
Nextist comes Clyde.  He tells me bout being sick but he be happy to be
feeling better.  He said he be old when he left earff but he be young
and all bouncy now.  He bees sad bout being gone but he bees happy bout
feelin betters.  He be gweeted by his brudders and fwiends; Bear, Boozer,
Sage, Stinky, Tweaky and his fewet love Missy Bon who cames to da Bwidge
on May 13, 2005.  He say his earff dad be holding him when he swipped
away but he hear da love dat come from da heart of his familee.
Anodder fewet comes acwoss da Bwidge.  She not habs a name, she be a
tiny bwaze gurl.  A nice person from da fewet hors-pital sends me a note
wetting me knos bout her.  She not bees sur bout tings but we helps her
to finds fwiends and we shows her awounds da Bwidge.  She be going to
stay wiff Mz SunnyFewet for a while.  Mz Sunny say da bwaze fewet need
her soul fixted, it be bwoke.
It be a sad time at da Bwidge, so many new fewets but we gweets ebery one
dat comes and we takes care of dem.
Caring for your ferrets at the Rainbow Bridge.
Muldoone and Muldoone Enterprises (c) 2005.  All rights reserved.
Reproduction without permission is prohibited.
[Posted in FML issue 5110]