Hello Ferret Moms and Dads,
This morn another ferret shelter here in Arkansas contacted me and said
a couple called asking if they had any ferrets up for adoption healthy
young ones and would take a group of them if they had them and that they
worked in a vet clinic in Ft Smith Arkansas.  they also changed their
names from the dave and louis Sage to sage and lynn davis wish seems
to be the same people that called a different shelter and my shelter
yesterday, they have a block on their phone wish you cant be able to
call them back
so please if anyone in the states that are around Arkansas please do not
adopt out to these people.  again a lady called me tonight asking me if
there were any ferret shelters in Texas and i said yes and asked who this
was they hung up on me.  I called Vicky Montgumory in Texas and is going
to help me spread the word out about these people so warning the ferret
shelters in Texas they may try and contact you guys..
sorry about all this im just worried about our fuzzys getting into the
wrong hands,
Susan Hayes,
Branch Director
Northwest Arkansas Ferret Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 5118]