Thank you, Alexandra, for clarifying about the numerous messages this
PERSON (gritting teeth & trying to be nice) sent in over the years.  OK
#1 How on earth can you run over a ferret in a wheelchair??
#2 These messages are absolutely LUDICROUS, make NO SENSE whatsover,
are VERY CONTRADICTORY, & if it wasn't for an innocent, defenseless pet
being involved, almost laughable.
#3 This PERSON should not be a PET owner, much less a ferret owner.
How many ridiculous accidents can you possibly have happen in one
household?  I mean, come on!
#4 It seems to me that Vinnie (if this is even true & not some sick plea
for sympathy) is not being searched for b/c the owner is in a wheelchair,
or wait, is it that he's throwing up b/c of an ulcer??  Come on, do we
not have any friends that could go search?  If we're able to get to the
pet store to keep buying pets, then we should be able to get out & search
for a pet we supposedly love & have dedicated our lives to taking care
of.  I would also think that the people at this lumberyard, or WHEREVER,
would also be able to get the ferret to come to them.  Ferrets aren't
wild & would usually come to at least SOMEONE.
I just think this whole issue is sick & I feel very sorry for any pet is
these people's care.
Becky & her much loved, pampered, spoiled, & deserving of unending
searching if lost 22 ferrets, 1 pug, 1 bunny, 1 cat, & 1 gerbil
[Posted in FML issue 5117]