So i rescued my sister's kinda grandson's ferret.  And she has turned
into such a butterball! nice fat belly, plays constantly.  So awesome.
Tonight i heard a rattle from her cage so i went to see what was going
on.  I'm staying with a friend, so her out of cage time is limited to
when i'm there.  I'm moving in a couple of months, March 1st hopefully
at the latest.  Then she will have free roam of the new apartment.
But anyways, i heard this rattling and i went to see what she was doing.
She was biting at the cage and making a rukus trying to get my attention!
I've had in my short 27 years a total of 9 ferrets and none have ever
done that before!
She has such a playful personality.  It's so funny!  My 7 month old
kitten LOVES playing with her.  At first Thyme ignored her.  Didn't want
anything to do with her.  But now, Thyme war dances, fluffs up her hair
and challenges Paprika(cat), and actually plays.  No sounds yet though.
When i move and settle in, i'm going to get her a ferret playmate.  I'm
gonna look for a sweet albino furkid.  I've always wanted one, but my
ex-boyfriend thought they looked like rats, so the sables were ok, but
no albinos.  Now i'm single, i'm getting me one.
so i have two questions.
i plan on letting thyme free roam my apt most of the time.  Obviously
when i'm gone, she'll be caged.  I was wanting some tips on ferret
proofing my place.  My ex wouldn't let my babies free roam, so this will
be my first experience.  Thyme loves being out, so i say why not.  Are
there products out i can use to discourage her squatting in a corner?
I like the ideas of the plastic runners someone mentioned eariler.
second question.  All of my furkids have been rescues except the one my
friends bought me for my b-day a couple of years ago(then died 6 months
later...:(....).  I'm in dayton, ohio, and would like to know if there
are any rescues around here.  I'd way prefer to rescue one.
I believe that is all.  have to rescue a running away remote now.
Remotes don't have legs, so Thyme has struck again.
Paprika the cat dog, and Thyme the little butterball.
[Posted in FML issue 5116]