>Mary, do you know WHICH company is buying United Vaccines?
As of Wednesday, United did not have a buyer, they are still for sale.
>I have also heard of false positives from Avecon.
When using blood, yes.  That is why the AFA only accepts Avecon tests
when used with saliva samples sent for in-lab testing.
>My hope is that another company or pathology lab will buy rights to
>the CEP test, or that the company will donate it to a university in
>the U.S. if it needs to better adjust its tax numbers.
That would be great news.
I have contacted the Univ of GA about doing commercial ADV testing and
Marshall Farms about doing ADV testing/perhaps buying Fervac and starting
a pharmaceutical branch.  Out of the commercial breeders, they seem to be
the most likely to be able to do this.  Haven't heard anything back, yet.
Novel Beginnings Ferretry
[Posted in FML issue 5115]