2006 starts off an exciting year for us.  In late 2005, we established
a board of directors, began an official outreach program as well as
offering Ferrety 101, a mandatory educational program for adopters that
are new to ferrets.
We will also be publishing a bi monthly newsletter, viewable on our
website and available in print mailed to your door for a low subscription
fee.  Advertising space is also available.  I have tried and failed to
accomplish these things in the past four years that Ive been rescuing
ferrets.  (June 2006 will be our five year anniversary) I cant believe
its been that long!!  It was painful to come to the realization that I
am not wonder woman and it is virtually impossible to accomplish the
dreams I have set for the rescue by myself.  There are just not enough
hours in the day to do it all.  Losing my mom two years ago was a
tremendous set back.  Then, late last summer, as if some mystical wand
was waved, it all came together.
The ideal people with the same mission in mind.  Along with Jack & Angie
Light (some of the best friends and ferret folks anyone could ask for
who have been there for me and the rescue since I opened in 2001), our
board also consists of Amy Young, Matthew Graff, Jen Kovacsi, Jen Ruby
and Caroline Yingling.  I could not be more thrilled.  It took awhile,
but finally, its all coming together.  Some of our current offerings
to benefit the rescue include Noni Juice (Pure Hawaiian), Animal
Communication appointments, Clip art CDs by Deva and Oxyfresh dental
hygiene products.  I cant say enough about the benefits of Oxyfresh
for ferret teeth.  So easy to use and will even work on tartar problems
that have built up over time.
I also want to take a second and thank Deb Sadowski for sharing her herb
formula for adrenal with me at the Monster Mash last year.  In just a
couple of months, my adrenal kids look and act like the ferrets they
used to be.  Vin Diesel Weasel had lost most of his hair and was thinning
so badly I thought for sure we would lose him.  Now, you would never know
he was ill.  Amazing results!!!!
We are continuing to accept submissions for our Feb.  Newsletter for our
Terms of Endearment Column through January 30.  We want to know all those
cute little things you call your fuzzys when no one is listening.  We can
all be reached at [log in to unmask]
Kim Fox
Animal Communicator, Medical Intuitive
Director of Somethin Up My Sleeve Rescue
Authorized Distributor of Timmy's Tonic
[Posted in FML issue 5114]