I am not sitting in judgment of you David, as it is not my place to do so
but I do not understand how it is possible to give up on Vinnie.  Yes, I
did read your information on your brother and his health and also your
trip to the ER but I do not understand how you can just write Vinnie off.
It would seem to me that finding Vinnie would help both you and your
brother.  If your brother is not able to help looking for Vinnie because
of his health than so be it, but are there not others including yourself
that can?
If you feel that you have to give up for whatever reason, can you not
contact a ferret shelter or others that could go to the Lumber Yard and
try to find Vinnie.  Surely Vinnie is worth that.
If you saw him once, surely it would be possible for a group of people
to look for him with whatever you know he likes food, toys, whatever.
That's great that you know where he is, meaning location in the lumber
yard - that's a plus right there.
I guess the bottom line is, if you do not feel you are going to continue
the search for Vinnie than is there not someone out there that will.
I think it would be very difficult for you and your brother to have to
give up knowing that maybe, just maybe something other than giving up
could be done to find Vinnie.  I don't think it is a big deal that he is
riding the lumber yard of mice, etc.  - he cannot survive the weather
elements and I assume he was raised as a pet not an outdoor hunter.
Bottom Line - If you cannot do it, then find someone that is willing to
look for and find Vinnie.  Surely there are ferret lovers out there that
would be willing to save Vinnie.
[Posted in FML issue 5113]