Hello there this is Vinnie's owner and we DID set 3 havahart traps along
with searching the yard!  He knows how to hunt I've seen him kill and
eat mice and a rat so he knows how to hunt for food.  The reason we've
suspended the search is my brother can't take the stress he has been up
3 nights this week along puking his guts out worrying he has an ulcer.
The staff at the lumber yard sees him all the time and they say he looks
fat and happy and he's knocking down the rodent and pidgeon population
in the lumber yard and making headway to wiping the pests out!!
David Owings
Ferrets and Hamsters have a way of weaseling their way into your heart
and once they do they never leave and I wouldn't have it any other way.
[Posted in FML issue 5112]