Melatonin (implants or oral 1 mg; see FHL Archives and
<> for more info) is under
study as possible preventatives or adrenal disease; so is just plain
providing enough complete darkness that the body makes enough melatonin
on its own to prevent the pituitary from releasing a lot of LH (which
stimulates the adrenal glands), and FSH (which appears to be the route
for bone loss)
Lupron is also under study as a preventative.  Currently, low doses in
the Spring are being studied.
Both have a history of being very safe approaches.  More on that is in
the FHL archives.
In some parts of the world deslorelin/Suprelorin implants are under study
both as a treatment as a possible preventative.  I have not read side
effect info on those.  This med is less expensive than Lupron and lasts
One situation in which there can be negative consequence of Lupron is
when the 24 hour Lupron is used instead of the Lupron Depot.  See:
In the past Lysodren was used as a treatment (not as a preventative).
That has been mostly dropped because sometimes it had no effect at all,
and other times it caused atrophy of the adrenal glands, placing ferrets'
lives in danger from Addisons Crises.
-- Sukie (not a vet)
Ferret Health List co-moderator
FHL Archives fan
International Ferret Congress advisor
[Posted in FML issue 5112]