Hello friends!  What can i say but it's been a couple of CRAZY weeks
at the shelter!  As usual, i'm going to start with the sad stuff.
this one is real hard on a lot of our volunteers.  it happened so very
suddenly.  i have a new friend at the Bridge with me, there is a new
light in the sky.  Pronto became ill quite suddenly last week at the
tender age of 11 months old.  It's suspected he had juvenile lymphoma and
test results are still pending to confirm this.  Pronto just couldn't
hang on and no one wanted him to suffer.  He is missed terribly by so
many of the caring people at the shelter and his cage mate, Otis.  Pronto
was a sensitive, sweet and gentle boy who loved kisses and cuddles and
had a zest for life.  He especially loved sleeping in a pile with his
buds Rollo and Otis and though he was dumped at the shelter at the tender
age of 6 months, he knew love from all of the volunteers.  Though he
never found a forever home in life, he has one now, his ashes will
forever remain in the shelter with the rest of us kids who never found
forever homes.  Pronto will never know pain again and runs free and
happily with me across the Bridge where he looks down on all of you who
loved him in his short life.  Many thanks to all of you who gave this
sensitive little man kisses and hugs, for that is what he craved most.
Since losing Ken last year, our Barbie has held her head strong and high.
we've all been so proud of her, watching as she marched around, taking
control of every situation and every home she visited.  Barbie hasn't
been feeling so well these last few weeks.  Her meds no longer seem to be
controlling her insulinoma and though her foster mommie is the bestest
ever, i'm asking all of you to please keep Barbie, one of the FAS
matriarchs in your thoughts.
The shelter took in a new little girl this week.  Her name is Muffin.
She is a blaze and only about 10-12 weeks old.  Just like Coca and Cola,
a Christmas gift gone wrong.  She plays nicely with the girls and also
Kit who has recovered very well.
Little Cola *almost* had a home this week.  Though when mommie informed
her perspective adoptive parents that she would be doing a home
inspection they decided against adopting.  They wanted to keep Cola in
the laundry room, next to the dryer vent, telling mommie their previous
ferret never tried to escape!
Little Rolo became an escape artist last week.  He was VERY bad and snuck
out of the shelter when auntie Cherie wasn't looking.  He had everyone
in panic mode!  mommie was crying, auntie Cherie was running around the
neighborhood calling for him, uncle John came over to help look and
auntie Olympia left work to help look for him too!  The four of them
spread out calling for Rolo and mommie even braved "hooker's corner" in
hopes she could convince the hookers or johns to help her find the lost
fert!  In the end, it was super hero Olympia who found the little man
and brought him home.  Rolo wasn't happy about the capture and would
have much rather been allowed to frolic under the neighbor's garage!
It was a week of rescues as mommie and auntie Olympia also called on the
fire department to rescue a ferret trapped in a wall this week too!  A
little guy who used to be a shelter kid managed to escape his parent's
apartment via a bathroom sink drain/vent and find his way into a wall on
a lower floor.  It took the SPCA and fire department to get the little
guy out, but in the end, he was found safe and sound (though real hungry
and dehydrated)!!!
My love to you always!
Harley "Bug"
The Ferret Aid Society
Join us for the IFC Ferret Aid 2006 Conference!
Book early, almost sold out!!
[Posted in FML issue 5137]