I have good news fuzzy friends!!  An update on Dweezil and "oops ferret
Dooks to all!!  Most of you know that I just became a mommy to Vin
Dweezil II, via Petco.  Well, he is a baby yet - and is soooo very
hyper.and is just a little "too much" for my older kids, Artemus and
Ricky (a.ka.  Romulus).  I have been telling my husband that since the
day he came home...picture this: ADD, ODD and OCD - all wrapped up into
one fuzzy little furry ball of fire..well, you get the picture here.
So - in when my attempts to con my hubbie into getting another younger
kid failed, I did what any good ferret Mommy would do.  I snuck around
behind his damn back and did it!!!  Enter- Zeus.  I had been contacting
the local animal shelters to see if they had any fuzzies turned in.
As sad as it sounds, there are a lot of folks who buy ferts for their
kids, significant others, etc for Christmas - and when they FINALLY
discover how much time and energy go into these guys - they ceremoniously
"dump" them - into our local shelters, pet shops, etc.  So - while I was
deviously plotting on how I would get another fert into the house without
my husband knowing, (he took Helena's death worse than I did, if you can
imagine that - and said what we all say: NO MORE - I CAN'T/WON'T go thru
this again.), someone was "plotting" on my side - to make it possible..
**Thank you Ferret God** ..Now keep in mind, the part where I said
YOUNGER kit - someone who could "keep up" with the Dweezil...when I
called our shelters - I was told that they had 2 fuzzies there.  They
told me that they had been found in a TAPED UP box, on the side of the
road.  When the box was opened, there were two - starving, emaciated,
flea encrusted kids, no blankies, no food, no water.  Sidebar prayer:
"please Ferret God, lead me to the person who did this to them"...anyways
- they ended up in the County lock-up - where it was discovered that they
were indeed starving, one of them had a bad upper respiratory infection,
and the other minor things going on with them.  They also thought ferret
# 893690, (newly renamed Zeus ) was not going to make it - he was
staggering when trying to walk, and just in horrid shape.  They said he
was probably 7 or 8 (a lot they know) and that they had to put him into
the clinic so that he could get 24 hour care, and in 3 days - they said
he was doing phenomenally and was much improved.  These guys had been
there since 12/28, I was working - and by the time I got there after
work, they had adopted out one of them (I really gave em the what for on
that - splittin these kids up after what they were thru?).  So I went in
to meet the remaining lil guy -and a vet tech said: I think he has some
health issues, let's go ask the vet.  She also said he was "quite old"
and probably wouldn't last long.  Off to the vet we go.  Now I have
already examined the little shaver from his nose to his toes - and I did
not see any signs whatsoever of adrenal disease - (no I am not stupid
enough to think that it should not be checked out, so no worries kids-
and I wasn't about to tell her he was no where near as old as they
thought.) Anyways, the vet stated that she thought he was adrenal -
and they were probably going to "put him down".  She based this on a
"physical" "squeeze" she gave him.  After she was done picking her teeth
up off the floor, dusting off the dirt from where I cold-cocked her - she
said: Hey, how about fostering him for us?  So I go back to the other
section - to fill out paperwork and low and behold there was another
woman there, finishing up HER paperwork to get the lil guy.  I thought
I was going to lose him, after all I had just done......BUT Ferret God
intervened once more.  The woman and I had a chat - I explained to her
that he was possibly adrenal - and would cost her an arm and a leg
(please forgive me for that one) - and asked her if she had the money for
that....long story short - she changed her mind (thank you!!).  One lst
hurdle, the shelter folks were trying REALLLY hard to get me to "come
back tomorrow" - as it was close to closing time - but I was not going
to leave that kid there, all alone, in a cold - stinky room, filled with
cats.  He'd already been thru enough and I wasn't about to leave there
without him - sick or not.  Noper.  They got the hint when I sat down and
said: I will not leave here without him After jumping through the usual
hoops at a county shelter - 1 hour later, ferret # 893690, now Zeus, was
on his way home with me..
So - I got him home, snuck him in behind my husband and opened the spare
cage where I am going to "quarantine" until we are sure he is 100%.  Then
I acted surprised and said: Oh honey!!!  Looookkkk!!  The Ferret God has
brought us a present!!!  He didn't buy it - but when he opened the cage
to "just peek" at him, Zeus walked up and planted a kiss, square onhis
nose.  Something none of the other ferrets will do to him.  He was hooked
from that second on.
Our "quite old" baby is probably closer to 3 years old - and is TNT.
Dweezil is the Match.  When I set Zeus on the floor - he bounced, dooked,
jumped straight up and down and generally - was so happy to be out of a
cold box, a nasty smellin cage - and had FREE ROAM!!  He looked at me -
and I swear I saw tears of happiness on his little fuzzy face...so I let
them all play for a bit.  Dweezil and Zeus - immediate bond!!!  Yesh!!!!
Ricky and Artemus gave me "thank you" kisses - as it relieved THEM of
having to try and keep up with him.  Zeus and Dweezil - faster than a
speeding bullet!!!  They all disappeared, 10 minutes later....we found
them all, in the china cabinet (no don't ask.) - Artemus was the
mattress.  Ricky was the bottom sheet - Zeus the blanket and Dweezil, the
throw pillows.  Need I say more?  Happy days to you all, and may the good
Ferret Lord bless you and your fuzzies!!!!!
Kim and Her (still missing one) Army of Fuzzie Albuquerque Idiots
Lord, help me to be grateful for what I have, and not greedy for what I
[Posted in FML issue 5136]