Hi all dis be SaraFerret.  I just got a notice dat a little cinnamon girl
would be arriving at de bridge.  I looked over at de entrance--nothing
yet.  Hmmmm.  Where is she.  Hey Serena where are you.  Den I heard a
frightened squeak from dat place-looked again nothing yet.
Okay maybe she is hiding or someting.  So off I go to cross de bridge--
wowsie I sure have been doing dat a lot lately.  Dere in a little
cinnamon bundle was a squeaky little ferret.
Hi Serena, why didnt you answer me--all I could hear was squeak.  I
looked at de note again--she cant hear or see.  Oh-dat explains
everything.  Den I reached out to her and scooped her up into my arms
and patted her wit my paws.  Now Serena, we are gonna go back across
dis bridge.  And so I trotted--never had to carry a baby ferret across;
first time for everyting.
When we got back to where I started from, she opened her eyes and dooked
a small little dook.  Ah arent you just de cutest little girl!  Other
ferrets started gathering around and cooing and ohmying.  We must have
startled her wit so many around her, because she got big tears and
squeaky cries.  Everythings alright, baby girl, I says.  She could hear
and see me now.
Well not exactly I tells her.  She says well you are de first one I see
so you has to be my mommy.  De last I remembers is dat I was wit my mommy
and den I was sent away from mommy and off to some place else and den I
remembers getting a shot.  Den I went to sleep and wakes up here, so you
has to be my Mommy.
Well Serena darling I will be your Mommy.  She says dat everyting seems
so pretty here and clouds and wings.  Wings???  Mommy, do ferrets have
Here dey do and you, Serena are going to get a nice set of wings wit de
halo and learn to fly.  Even de Boss came to see her and tsk-tsked about
people on earth and some people werent fit to raise anything, not even a
cockroach.  De Boss gets very upset when he sees His beloved creatures
treated badly.  But He tells her dat she is perfect now and no pain in
her heart, and she can fly like a bird.  So Serena and I went to de wings
house to get her fitted.  Hmm--tiny little girl--I know mousie angel
wings.  Yep definitely just a bit bigger den dose mousie angels.  I
climbed up to de tippy-top of the shelves marked special ferrets only.
I got a set of wings and one halo and then I climbed down.  I turned her
around and put de wings on her and dese were so special cause dey were
fluffy wings.  And of course the gold halo.  Hmmm one hammie.  Okay no
tour--now should I take her over to de Kit house where Auntie Mary Ferret
takes care of all de very young furries.  I carries her over dere and she
is met by Auntie and a group of toddler furries.  Oh my she said what a
beautiful baby you have Ms SaraFerret.  Did she just arrive--yes mam I
says.  Well I best be leaving her wit you.  Bye bye little Serena,
everything will always be good for you now.
As I turned my back to leave I had some tears in my eyes, feeling guilty
for leaving her dere.  And den, I heard a shrill Mommy, where are you,
dont leave me.  Please Mommy.  Okay I went back.  As most ferrets know,
SaraFerret has a very soft heart.  I picks up little Serena and her
hammie and trots slowly toward my den and along de way all de musteys
were welcoming her to her new home.  She was so contented in my arms.
(oh wowsie how am I gonna do my job wit a baby--I know a back pack--
perfect.  But now I settles down into a rocking chair and rocks little
Serena-she looks so peaceful and happy.  I loves you Mommy she says.  A
big tear runs down my cheek.  I loves you too, my darling one.  And so
passed another day at de bridge.
Dooks of love wit a dash of tears
[Posted in FML issue 5135]