Last week when I was talking about the big - 5-0 - Birthday I have coming
up the first part of March and suggesting that people donate to SOS to
help me celebrate, I never really thought anyone would take me seriously.
Imagine my surprise...and if you can, the tears, when I discovered people
were actually donating!!
After checking the SOS Paypal records, I discovered that 6 people
have donated and a total of $110.00 has been sent in.  I was utterly
speechless.  And so very deeply touched.  I just don't have the words
to tell how much this means to me.  Support Our Shelters is my true love
and to know there are so many others who support what we do is the very,
very best gift of all!
I know there are several shelters in dire need right now and if I can
use my 'BIG' Birthday to raise money to help them, then by-gum, that's
exactly I'll do!
If anyone else has a couple bucks laying around and they want to help me
celebrate, you can paypal that to:
<[log in to unmask]>
If you would prefer to send a check made out to SOS - you can send
that to:
  Judy Cooke
  110 Jer-Be-Lou Blvd
  Panacea, FL  32346
To the special people who donated - thank you.  Thank you for caring
about ferrets, and about SOS, and for making an old fart feel special.
From my heart,
Thank you!
Judy Cooke
Support Our Shelters
[Posted in FML issue 5135]