Sean and I brought Rocky back home for Christmas.  He set up this little
memorial.  I just added the photo in this really blurry camera phone pic.
Poor little guy keeps running up here with all his brushes, leashes,
toys, colors, you name it and trying to fit them into the three urns.  He
goes temporarily blank and tries to fit a square peg into a round whole.
He'll figure things out in time.  Rocky's ashes are in the memorial box
with the figure.  Rocky's leash and most special things are in the one
that will display a gorgeous photo of Rocky or Sean and Rocky.  That
other urn came with the ashes.  I have no idea what he'll do with that if
anything.  For now he wants all three things open so he can add things,
change them out, etc until he is comfortable with how it's set up.
He keeps that little memorial up for now.  As you can see he's dressed
"Rocky" for Christmas just like he does EVERY year.  Cute photo:
He is finished the King Rocky story.  It'll be forever before I type it
up though.  He finished the story last week.  And I got some awesome
video footage of the two of them snuggling by the Christmas tree that
we had just filmed putting up.
Renee Downs is here feeding him, hugging him, taking him out shopping all
night.  He needs that.  Scott and Chet are great now!  I'm up and down,
but I'm getting better.  Witting to you all and getting feelings out to
people who "understand" has made all the difference.
I am dumbfounded (that's an understatement) at all of the beautiful and
helpful notes I've been receiving.  I can't tell you how much that helps
me.  I look forward to answering every single one of them too!  It might
be a long time from now.  But I'll do it.  That little boy has quite a
collection of 'thoughts' from wonderful and supportive people here typed
up back in his room with him.  He smiles when he reads them.  Sometimes
he cries a little.  It's all good.  He has already made the decision to
love a new baby someday.  So, after I feel better and the holidays are
over we'll discuss that further with him.
I know this sounds dramatic, but I'm not exaggerating when I say that I
don't know what I would have done without the sweet notes in the FML and
in my mailbox.  I was falling apart and scared that it was getting worse
each day, not better.  You all gave me good advise and inspiring words
that I hold very close to my heart.  I'm a bit better.  Because I took
all of your words to heart and I've acted on some of the advice.
Thank you so much.  Boy this is one bitter sweet and very special
Christmas.  I have so much to be thankful for!
[Posted in FML issue 5101]