We, like many other shelters, do boarding.  Each shelter has stipulations
(regarding shots and ADV testing) but alot of them do boarding.  The
proceeds benefit their shelters in alot of cases.  We give discounted
rates to anyone who adopts from us, and we charge per cage, not per
ferret like dog kennels or vets.  So check your area for shelters and
start there.  Shelter mothers also know the signs of when a ferret is not
doing good, unlike a dog kennel.  Ferrets can crash in a matter of days,
and it is important to make sure someone knowledgeable is watching them.
I know I watch a set from time to time, and EVERYTIME their mommy goes
away, they don't want to eat.  They require alot of specialized care so
their mother can go on vacation.
We are getting a set of boarders in for the Christmas Holiday tonight.
I am sad for them however, because they will not have their mom and dad
with them this Christmas.  I know, I am reading alot into this.  But
never the less, I am going to make sure they get a Christmas Present
Merry Christmas..........Hope this helps!
Life is not how many breaths you take, but
how many times it takes your breath away...
TinyPrints Ferret Rescue PetFinder Web Page
TinyPrints Ferret Rescue Store
Aloha Ferrets Ebay Store
[Posted in FML issue 5100]