Hiya all, esp Weasle Queen.  Three little ferrets were greeted in turn
by me.  Sandee continues to convalesce from an infection (some tings are
perfect here and some not).  It is not serious but enough to wish she
had never had her tail braided.
All of dese ferrets were waiting at de entrance to de Rainbow Bridge,
complete with swaying as very windy day.  Dey managed to hold onto each
others tails and made a slow but easy procession across to us.  Dey
intoduced dereselves as Kenny, Megan, and Jake, beloved kids of dere
special human Weasle Queen.  Poor Mommy dere said, and dey shed some
tears, but were happy to be without pain.  I introduced myself as
SaraFerret and dey said dat mommy had told dem about dey bridge greeters.
Dere business was with me and dere was much hugs and kisses and asking
about home and mommy.
We made a special trip all together to de Wings and Halo House.  Auntie
Mary Ferret made a special reminder to be here for this group.  One by
one, she hugged dem and presented dere wings to dem.  (Even de BOSS made
a special appearance).
First of all Kenny got beautiful blue wings and he showed us the blue
ribbon he had brought over in his secret backpack.  His wings fit him
perfectly and de BOSS pinned de Blue Ribbon on His wings.  Halo was
arranged and hammie was given.
Den Megan gots her wings-For a beautiful silver mitt she receive sapphire
wings and was given a special job at de Kit House as she loved the baby
kits so much.  She was overjoyed at the prospect--on little tiny kit ran
up to her and asked her if she could be his mommy as he didnt have one.
Well of course she would and all of a sudden a dozen kits were her new
children.  Now Jake was dumped by the wayside and had broken hind legs
all earth, but here he could run with all of them.  WIngs of gold were
given to him and he asked me if I could be his mommy until his earth
mommy came.  Well of course I agreed.  I already had many foster children
and Jake was even more special.
We went to the reflecting pool to see if Weasle Queen could be seen thru
the fog and dere she was--looking up--dya tink she knew dey was watching
her--the furs all waved at her and she got the biggest smie on her face.
For de holidaythey agreed dey would wrap kisses in gold paper and send
dem to her on a passing shooting star so dey would be under de tree for
de holiday.
We made arrangements for a big welcome party tomorrow as we was very
tired and all of dem except Jake went home wit dere business.  Jake
trotted home with me and I put his hammie closed to me in case he got
frightened.  A special gift for me--a new furchild.
And so ended de beginning of dere life her
Love dook, squeaks, hugs
SaraFerret at de Rainbow Bridge
[Posted in FML issue 5100]