Hiya all (pant-pant-pant) wowsie this is SaraFerret who is puzzled about
all de fuzzies crossing de bridge.  Hmmm will have to discuss wit de Boss
about all dis.  He sure knows all de answers about earth and humans and
ferrets.  In fact I tink dat de Boss knows more about everyting.
(pant-pant-pant)  I barely has time to catch my breath.  Runs to check
old medical book under pant-pant-pant = asthma.  Asthma isnt a ferret
problem, its a hooman problem--oh just missed another meaning there--it
means someone has been running dere little paws off.  Dat sure sounds
like the right one.
I just got some notes that I have put together on the ferrets crossing--
sometimes they cross and I greets them but I dont get time right away to
dictate dem to Mommy, so she can send dem to de list.  Ok relax take deep
breath--much better now.  Must look sharp for new bridge crosser.  Dere
she is (checks note) Gracie Lou Ferret--and den I look behind me and her
business who passed before her are dere--Murphy and Butters.  We are all
cheering for Gracie Lou.
Come on Gracie and she does a hop, skip and one very big jump and she is
here.  Mercy girl, you will have to join the Olympic team--you do better
than those kangaroos dat always beat us at high jumps.
Hi dere Gracie I am SaraFerret, one of de greeters and you are here at de
Rainbow Bridge and she smiles real big and says she feels so much better
now that she is here.  Andde boys from her family are so happy to see
her, already asking about Mommy and how everything looks dere on earth
and all dat.
Hey guys, I say, wait a minute.  I have to take her to de Kit Wing and
Halo shop to fix her up as the angel.  OOPS!  sorry Ms SaraFerret dey
said we was just too excited and Gracie Lou giggles and dooks and says
dose guys sure do like to show themselves dont dey; I agree but I assure
her dat dey wont be doing it too long as she seems like she will have
them whipped into shape and no teasing.  She looks at the sad boys and
dey say Oh we didnt mean anything we just checking about earth and on.
We were just teasing you guys says Gracie.  And she giggles a sweet
dook, dook.  Oh says de guys well we didnt know what was going on.  Ok--
playtime over wing time is here--our newest angel Ms Gracie Lou Ferret.
We trots over and couldnt find any wings--what happened no wings?  Oh
my!  A dainty little kit comes running out to us wit a package and
pant-pant-pant--barely catching her breath.  We have been so busy-we has
gone thru all our wings but not too worry Auntie Mary Ferret is getting
de assembly line going with lots of pepsi and tea breaks.  Here she
squeaks I is Joey ann Kit.  Nice to meet you Joey.  What is in the
package we wondered.  Why are we standing here just looking at de
package.  Wake up all of us--so we open the package.  Dere they are a set
of golden wings and just de right size for Ms Gracie Lou; she gets so
excited and says help me put dem on Ms SaraFerret--Ok wait--I might need
a pin.  Okay no pin needed the wings are just de right size--walk around
and see how they look and she has herhalo on and looks in de mirror and
she dooks a dook of joy--hey I am an angel ferret.  The boys were so
happy and so was Gracie, it seemed like all de panting was from another
time.  Ferrets, minks, otters and mousies all came over to be introduced
to our newest angel.  Dey wanted to know what happened--well she says it
was dose lousy adrenals and all of us ferrets nodded our heads
knowingly--Mickey Otter says dat must be such a bad ting as it seems like
mostest of de furries have adrenal troubles.
She says well it over and I am here now--completely cured, no more pain.
Icaution Gracie and warn her dat sometimes we ferrets have a tendency to
goalong with fads etc.  Some of de girl furs heard about tail braiding
and alot got it done including poor Sandee ferret and now dey have hurt
tails.  Her mouth just fell open--Ouchy, it evens sounds hurt.  She says
I will keep what you say in my mind--no fads.  We start with de tour of
ferret land where it seems all of a sudden most of de ferrets have
disappeared even Murphy and Butters.  Okay guess dey didnt want to go wit
us, Gracie says--they have been on a lot of these tours, I say.  Then all
of a sudden all de ferrets jump out and we jumped very high--you guys are
so bad you scared us.
Nah, we got Ms Gracie's room at her brothers house all fixed up dats
where we were.  So we went to her new home and dere on de table a feast
fit for ferrets.  Pepsis, sweet iced tea, and squirt cheese and crackers.
And de boys show dere sis her new room--wit a canopied hammie and
footstool to climb on to get into her hammie and all new blankets and
rugs to crawl underneath.  and lacey curtains on de window.
Oh wowsie, Gracie Lou Ferret saw the banner on de wall of her room--
WELCOMEHOME GRACIE LOU FERRET!  Den she tinks about her mommy and gets a
bit sad,but I tells her that she will see her human Mommy again sometime.
We decided to have a party since everyone was here and food was here and
we danced our paws off until morning cause we ferrets are nightowls.
Hugs and Dooks from de Rainbow Bridge
[Posted in FML issue 5099]