Hello I want to put an alert out for people living near N.E. 6th Ave and
N.E. Holeman Street my backdoor blew open while doing renovations to the
house it has rained today so I don't think Vinnie got out.  My brother
talked to all the neighbors on the block and looked through their front
and back yards and found no signs of Vinnie so please if anyone sees a
silver hob scoop him up and take him in then give me a shout either on
the list or my mobile phone the number is 503-737-7534 call anytime day
or night if you find Vinnie.
David Owings
Ferrets and Hamsters have a way of weaseling their way into your heart
and once they do they never leave and I wouldn't have it any other way.
P.S.  Vinnie likes to play with the Hat Monster it might work if you find
him to get him close with your ball cap.
[Posted in FML issue 5098]