Wells back to business.  I received de message about Nibbles who was hurt
in an accident and was on his way across.  Whitey was wit me when I saw
Nibbles limping to the bridge opening.  Oh-oh is he gonna make it?  He
was scared of heights--and he started across but den ran back --part of
de problem showed up right away -- his secret backpack was filled to
overflowing.  He tries again and runs back to the beginning again.
Hmmm -- ok once more violating the sacred bridge rules--I went across de
bridge and reaches my hand out to Nibbles -- who jumps sky high when he
sees my arms -- what is you he cried -- where is I at.
Now I admit dat I look a bit strange -- (bitty head and furless body
and bushy tail (but as de song goes de Boss is still working on me
and promises dat one day I will look similar to other furries) but I
tells vpoor Nibbles dat I is SaraFerret-a bridge greeter -- this is
after he comes down from his jump.
Oh I is sorry he says -- of course I've heard of de three bridge
greeters -- please dont be mad at me -- hey I tell him I donts get mad
about dat -- I is used to it -- just shows me to accept me people inside
rather than just seeing de outside.
He agrees, but you could tells dat he was still hesitant to cross --
hmm -- would you likes for me to carry whats in your backpack -- he says
how did you know?
You wont take it away will you -- of course not -- dats ferret and Boss's
rule -- whatever you gets across you gets to keep.  Den he unzips de bag
and gives me a treasured brown monkey -- bigger dan him.  Okay I carry de
monkey -- and you just hold on to my tail and we gets across quick.  So
slowly we crosses -- please dont shake Nibbles you will bounce both of
us off.
WE MAKES IT!!!!!!  yippee!  Once we got dere of course dere was a crowd
and Whitey was waiting for his bro.  And we bounced and bounced and
bounced instead of war dancing -- bouncing is a new form of war dancing
here -- dere are all sorts of fads dat come over here.  So we bounced
until we was tired.
I still has de brown monkey and den I felt a little tap on my shoulder
and he says SaraFerret -- could I please have my monkey back.  OH my --
I forgot -- of course here is your monkey and so he bounces for a while
wit Whitey and de monkey.
You should see us -- it is really a corker watching us we could be on de
cover of Ferret Newsweek.  And den I remembers what I has to do -- wings
and halo -- DUH -- I had forgotten again.  I rushes Nibbles over to de
Kit Wing and HaloHouse where de aunties in an effort to keep de kits calm
and cool dere craziness have been teaching sewing and putting sparkles on
wings and hammies and make beautiful haloes.
Okay Nibbles -- what kind of wings would a champagne furry want-what
matches -- hmmm -- one of de Aunties -- I believe it was Auntie
MaryFerret comes over and looks at de big guy and says I has de perfect
wings for you -- You do? From Nibbles -- of course I do, Dere dey were
wrapped in blue paper for a special furry -- dat was champagne in color.
Dey were just perfect.  We tried dem on him -- and he says but dey look
like sissy wings -- Auntie MaryFerret says Hush up Nibbles -- I am trying
to get these wings to fit -- but-but he says dey are pink -- Auntie was
getting perturbed -- saying I donts know what is happening to the young
generation -- used to be respect and now all we get is sassy furry boys.
OOPS -- Nibbles knew he goofed as he was guessing dat Auntie's rep was
dat she wouldnt stand for back dooks.
She finished her handiwork and den she turns poor Nibbles around and
places his halo on his head.  And he looked gorgeous -- beautiful sparkly
pink with blue shot thru it.  Oh my he was quite the gentleman ferret --
you could see the girl ferrets glancing at him and fluttering dere long
lashes at him.  Of course he blushed and apologizes to Auntie MaryFerret.
We took a picture of him to send to his earth mommy -- not supposed to
but hey ferrets can do almost anything.  We was all talking about de
fabulous holiday we was planning for around de end of Dec.  Snows and all
dat.  He got so excited and Whitey got excited and den Auntie says waits
a minute -- here is a nice triple hammie for you and wow it was so soft
and furry.  She wraps it all up in a big bag and sends it wit him and
Whitey and we all trooped over to his new place and hung the hammie up
and saw sparkly lignts all hanging on the place and complimented Whitey
on how beautiful his place looked.  Oh and Whitey brought out de stuff
for a party -- hope dere was enough -- as ferrets comeout of de woodwork
for parties.  Carpet was rolled up and 250 ferrets and mousie angels
showed up (well 250 ferrets did -- who knows how many mousies -- dere
could have been a hundred for all we knew.  LOL Wowsie something musta
happened -- just a few bottles of pepsi and glasses of sweet ice tea and
abottle of squirt cheese and crackers had been dere and now dere was a
giant table loaded with ice cold pepsis in a big container of ice and
loads of gallons of cold iced sweet tea and boxes of crackers and a lot
of squirt cheese plus regular cheese for de mousie angels who dont care
for squirt cheese.  PARTYTIME.  We danced and danced and all paws both
ferrets and mousies, otters, blackfoots, raccoons (i dont tink dey are
musteys and de mousies are defintely)  But oh well.
We ate and ate and den when we was thru we cleans up dey place.  We
was tired, but Nibbles says I miss home -- so we trots him over to de
reflecting pool and he could see his family on earth talking about him
and crying and den he says Mommy, Daddy and all de ferrets dere -- see
me and guess what!!!!!!  Dey looked up and I tink dey saw him waving at
them and how beautiful he looked as a ferret angel and dey waved at him.
ALso Mommy and Daddy of Nibbles -- dere is probably a kiss wrapped in
sparkly paper dat will be coming on an earby comet by de time you read
dis, so be sure you catch it.
Love, dooks and hugs
[Posted in FML issue 5096]