Hi all.
I am having a tough time here and I sure could use a miracle.....well,
I guess I had a couple miracles today.
You all are pretty familiar with Helena's story - 4 yr old champagne
gal, who stole my heart, exactly 4 years ago today........she has been
alternating between being healthy, and happy to crashing and bouncing
back and forth betwixt the two.  I had taken her to a vet - who seemed
pretty knowledgable - and she diagnosed her with IBS (Irritable Bowel
Syndrome).  Put her on Clavamox, with pred and bupa (painmed).  Each time
she "crashed" we put her back on this concoction and I have been steadily
feeding her my own "mix" of miracle calories.  I contacted them this
Friday - and explained she was headin downhill again and was told: Get
some St. Joseph's aspirin and call us Monday.  Bastards.  Heartless eh?
Let's make the story prettier.  She crashed so hard I had to take her
into the VCA (whom I DETEST due to their illiteracy and "baby faced"
vets, who have NO knowledge of ferrets), where they promptly told me I
had to hospitalize her there (she was severly dehydrated).  The vet also
tried to convince me (and she should know, she is 23 and has seen maybe
two vets in her life), that she would die unless I did this.  She also
tried to tell me that it was Adrenal disease.  Still trying to figure
that one out.  So I cried.  And cried.  And then she told me that we had
to pay her 500.00 for the privilege of them keeping her there.  Now kids,
I have not accepted any assignments (member I am a telcom engineer)
lately, so I could be home for her - and obviously that means money isn't
just tight, it is nonexistent in this house.
Then I did the smartest thing I could.  I remembered the wonderful
organization that helped us gain another little beauty (too fast, aka.
Morganna) and took a leap of faith.  I called information and asked them
for the number for the very best organization that I could think of - and
alot of you know who that is......24 karat ferret......aka - C.J.  God
works in mysterious ways and thankfully he made sure that she was there
today.  My God - what an angel this woman is.  I told her all I had been
thru - and what Helena's symptoms were and over the phone, this BEAUTIFUL
GUARDIAN OF THE FUZZIES - was able to tell me what was wrong with her,
before the vet could.  The vet was doing an xray when I called CJ first.
By the time she came back in the room - I had filled her white board with
CJ's wisdom and knowledge.  She showed the xrays to us that proved that
Helena had a blockage of "some sort" in her tummy and said she wanted to
do an ultrasound to be sure.  Cha-ching.  Add 300.00 to the 200.00 bill
and well, long story short - the ultra sound proved what was suspected.
Then this wonderful idiotic bimbo sent us home - with the things CJ said
I should get for her (something for her tummy upset and sub-cu fluids).
Did I mention that I have never GIVEN SUB-Q?  Oh wait, that was the
incompetent idiot vet I said that to.  She told me "its easy" no worries,
you have all you need in that little bag.  My ass I had all I needed.
Long story short - Helena needs surgery to remove the blockage.  The
cost?  $2000.00.  Yep.  $2000.00 that I do not have.  So here we sit.  I
plan on going to the original vet and threatening to sue them for missing
this not once, not twice, BUT THREE TIMES.  I am praying that with this
leverage - I can make them cover the costs - or at least assist me with
them, but I don't know.  My new hero, CJ - walked us thru the first sub-q
fluid rights.  I poked myself twice, trying to keep from hurting her -
bled all over her - and finally decided that my husband would do it -
I would relay how to do it - via, CJ.  CJ - I love you.  You are
undoubtedly the very best person that God put on this earth to help watch
out for these fuzzy's.  Thank you so much for being there for me.  I owe
you my soul......or at least my first born child.....*winks*.
To all out there - if you have never had the chance to meet her, to talk
with her - I pray that you will find a time when your fuzzy is healthy
and happy.  She is the very best person I have found - in years........by
the way CJ - I have included you in my will now........
ok.  ok, I gotta go now.  I can't stop crying.... Merry Christmas eh?  I
can honestly say : Bah Humbug.  As I type this - I hold this itty bitty
gal, who stole my heart and made me get 3 more ferts, and wonder - God
am I doing the right thing?  I mean - am I causing her more pain?
Prolonging an agonizing situation with my own greed of the want to help
her?  Pray for me kids.  Pray that somewhere in this world, there is a
Christmas miracle.  If we can get the surgery - she can live.  Maybe I
can sell my soul to get the loot.......and I would willingly do that.
As for now - we try to make her comfortable, and I try to find things to
pawn off to come up with the money needed.  Maybe - the other vet who
screwed up will help.  We'll see.  Whomever it was that told me that
Fert's steal a piece of your heart, neglected to tell me that it was
the largest piece.........please, please, just pray for her ok?
God Bless you all, and thank you for listening.  I know that several of
you have gone thru the heartbreak that I am right now.  I knew it could
be me too.......I just didn't think it could happen so soon......and not
to the very best fert in the whole world........
Lord, help me to be grateful for what I have, and not greedy for what I
[Posted in FML issue 5096]