I'm late in the fml but thought I'd pitch in on how I give meds.  I used
to mix them with ferretone in a tiny saucer, but after awhile Mikette
started to resist.  I know some people syringe them directly into the
mouth after dipping the tip of the syringe in ferretone, but you have to
be so careful not to aspirate - and if the ferret resists it feels like
Someone recently advised me to mix it in with the duck soup mixture.  So
now I make a mixture of kibble soaked water, blended it up, and section
in small cubes or tuperware.  And each day I take a bit of the defrosted
kibble soup mixture, heat it a bit, and add her meds (three meds!) mix it
up and serve it happily (-:
It's been working great.  Just don't heat up so much that she/he won't
finish it all, since it has the meds.  I probably heat up about 3-4
Good luck!
[Posted in FML issue 5096]