It is Joelene again, I wrote a few weeks ago about fostering and adopting
Adrenal or Insulinoma Ferrets and what a joy they can bring into your
life.  I made my trip to Reno from Las Vegas last Sat Dec 10th.  all went
very well with only minor problems of leaky water bottles.  My sister
opened her home to me and my fur kids.  I adopted eight chronically ill
ferrets from 24 carat before I left.  They were long time fosters of
mine.  My heart broke that I could not afford to take more.  Was there
room for and could I have afforded to feed more I would have.
Unfortunately two days before I was to leave my special baby Slinky
became critically ill and I had to take him and he had to be euthanized.
I cried for days over loosing my Slinkmeister, the dog food thief and I
will miss him so very much.  He was my guy, he followed me everywhere and
had such heart and he was alert which made the decision so much harder.
His body just couldn't take anymore.
All fifteen made the 460 mile trip like troopers and love their new home.
the house is small so I gave up my bed and room so the kids have a place.
This house is temporary until my sister finds the right home to buy.  One
that will have a ferret room.  Until that time our space is tight as I
said my bed and cages wouldn't fit in the room so the bed came down and
the cages went up.  There is a pair of ferrets at 24 carat shelter I so
wanted to bring with me.  Paris and Nicole, I fostered them at intervals
over the year they were at the shelter.  They came from a neglectful
begining, they were adopted out twice and returned twice.  No fault of
their own.  Nicole has an intermittent cough and has had the million
dollar work-up for it and has no source for the cough.  She came back the
first time because of the cough.  Then we found her and her sister Paris
a home to be friends with another ferret.  The woman who adopted them
shortly there after went through a split up with her husband and so
returned Paris and Nicole along with the ferret they were adopted to be
cagemat es with.  Paris came back near death, skin, bones and lethargic.
I brought them home with me to foster and get Paris well.  They did
extremely well with food, care and love.  Nicole and I really bonded but
with eight of my own ferrets and about 24 fosters at the time I could
not keep them, plus they were adoptable and I had hoped they would get a
loving home.
No one has adopted them as yet and the shelter is closing, I would really
like to take them and give them a forever home but I am not in the
position to take them at this time.  Is there anyone in the Reno area
that would be willing to foster them for 3 to 4 months until we move
into a permanent and adequate home.
they are the sweetest pair, Nicole is very loving, she would climb under
my PJ's to clean and groom me at night if she was out for playtime.  She
would cuddle up and sleep with me at others.  She and her sister are
really speical to me and since no one is willing to give them a home I am
willing to but cannot do it for 3 to 4 months.  Is there anyone out there
who would be willing to do that for Paris aned Nicole.  They deserve so
much more than they have gotten out of life so far.  It breaks my heart
that I can do nothing at this point to take them in.  I have fifteen
babies at present nine of them are either Adrenal or Insulinoma or both.
I chose to take special needs kids over the healthy ones thinking they
would get homes.  Paris and Nicole still don't have a home.  I am willing
to give them one if someone can foster them for that time for me.  I
can't provide for them during that time, I have no income and what money
I have is enough to care for the sick kids I have.
Thanks to CJ, she provided me with Prednisone, AD and a huge storage
containor of Ferret mix to get me through until my income starts.  She
has been wonderful to me, she gave me a place to live when I needed it
and helped me with supplies to care for the kids I brought with me.
Please contact me @ [log in to unmask] or CJ @ [log in to unmask]
if you can provide a temporary home for Paris and Nicole.  I would so
appreciate it.  I could take them and give them a good home, I just
can't do it right now.
there are really some great ferrets at the shelter that need a home now,
I can vouch for them, I know and love each and every kid in that shelter
and miss them terribly.  I misds Stoney, and Roady and even Poo, Pablo,
Sinbad and Dabby, Minky, Raptor, so many great little guys who would give
as much joy and they would receive getting a home.
I wish Cj the best and losts of happieness in her new life.  She deserves
it, I don't know anyone who has given up as much for so many years as
she has.  She deserves a life, I hope there are people out there who
will think about the sweet kids needing a home there and give them one.
If you don't want to foster Paris and Nicky, think about adopting them
yourself.  If I knew they were going to a loving and good home I wouldn't
feel too bad, but I do miss them so much and would take them if someone
will care for them until my situation gets better.
Thank You
And to all my fellow volunteers, Idee, Dave, Dawn, Phil, Kelly, Anna,
Mark, Jen, Sandy and Ed, I love you all, I miss you all and I am forever
grateful for being able to be a part of 24 carat shelter and especially
finding so many wonderful friends.  thank You CJ and Damien for all you
did for me, taught me and for being such good friends.
[Posted in FML issue 5094]