well Avalon was given to us by a co-worker who apparntely took it from
her relative after he loast interest
she being a nurse in the ER didnt have the time to take care of her
properly so asked around
weve owned many pets in my life but had never had a ferret because my
parents fell into the Myths they stink they are messy etc.  Well after
much reasearch we agreed to take her and needless to say she had us hook
line and sinker after that.  Few months down the road we decide she
needed a friend so we found Odo at a petstore I didnt realize there were
ferret shelters, I still didnt know about ferret shelters when we
purchased Ghost several Months later (he was a trip to the store for
ferret food)  But I adore them all and they have us waiting on them
[Posted in FML issue 5093]