I lost my baby girl tonight.
She was doing fine Saturday, but Sunday, she was a little listless and
wobbly, but still not doing bad, she drank and ate so I wasn't worried
too much.  Monday, she drank but had a hard time swallowing, and was a
bit more wobbly, so I decided to take her to the vet when I could get a
ride, which would up being tonight.
Yesterday, I woke up and she could hardly walk, she couldn't eat, but she
did drink, and I make some duck soup and got some down her, and made sure
she got lots of water.  She had also developed the runs, so when we went
to night, the vet said she had a bad bug, gave her a shot and me some
antibiotic.  She fell asleep right after the shot, and she was fine on
the way home, but somewhere along the way she passed to the bridge.
When I got home, I was cleaning out the smaller cage for her to stay in
till she got better, and so Kismet wouldn't get it, and when I got ready
to put her in it, I found her gone.
I plan to get another ferret from the local rescue so Kismet won't be
lonesome, and neither will I.  But not for awhile.......
My brother is going to cremate her for me and I can bury her in the
I am going to miss the way she made me laugh, but I know she is with the
rest of my guys and they are having a blast talking about me and showing
her all the good places to play and get ferretone and raisins.
Take care,
Deb & Kismet
[Posted in FML issue 5092]