During the summer I posted asking for prayers for my sister inlaw ( an
animal lover & owner) who needed a kidney and pancrease.
I recieved a phone call from my mom while I was at work today.  My heart
stopped beating and I asked what happened.  I broke down in tears as she
told me Dorothy passed away while in the hospital last night.  My brother
Bill had gone to the hospital to see Dorothy after work.  Last night the
hospital called and told him after he left, they took Dorothy for her
Dialysis appointment.  While she was hooked up having her blood purified
her blood preasure hit the roof, then went flat.  The proceidure that was
helping to keep her alive took her life.  It is said that she may have
had a massive stroke or blood clot.
Dorothy's health has been failing over the past couple of months.  We did
not expect to lose her this soon, my brother is devistated and my nephew
Shawn was in denial of his mothers failing health and as a result of the
denial is taking his mothers death extreamly hard.
I want to thank Jessica in Mass. for wanting to donate her kidney to
Dorothy months ago.  My family aprieciates your intended offer and
kindness.  I also want to thank the people who had kept Dorothy in
their prayers as she was only in her early 40's.
Anyone wishing to send e-cards of condolences can sent them to my brother
Bill at [log in to unmask] .  I want him to know how special us ferret people
are as we do care about people we've never met.  Thankyou all so much for
being you!
Sandee Ferret, I know this isn't actually your area, But could you keep
an eye out for Dorothy and make sure she finds Heather (her dog) and her
mom and dad who she lost in a car accident when she was 14yrs old.  Let
her know we all loved her and she will be greatly missed even by me.  I
had grown to love her as a sister over the years even though we didn't
like each other much in the begining.
DOROTHY, please watch over Billy and Shawn and help to keep them safe.
[Posted in FML issue 5091]