Hi Guys,
I know its been awhile sence ive posted but here goes and i will try not
to cuss while venting..
Tues Morn my sister had thyroid cancer surgey, I have lost sleep with
worrie over my sister cause shes my baby sister i have been running back
and forth to the hospital and and home here sence tues so with hardly no
sleep your a B - - - h right, well last night around 1 a m in the morn i
was on my way home from the hospital i stoped at a convence store to grab
a mt dew to stay awake til i got home
i saw a sign on the window saying found weasel call this number to claim
her.  I told the clerk about the sign and asked how long the sign been
up there and he said this afternoon that he was the one that found the
ferret out in back wondeering around and he thought it was a weasel, it
was cold shaking and lost some hair from the weather he thought cause
it was only 10 degrees outside i asked where he was and he said in the
back his parents wouldnt let him keep the weasel there at home so he
kept it in the back in a small cage til he would find someone to take it
i told him i ran a rescue and shelter for ferrets that i would be happy
to take it to my shelter so he went and got it brought it out in a towel
wraped up.
i opened it up and i thought my god hardly no hair she was adreanl
I called my night time emer vet and took her stright there shes very weak
and i hope she pulls thru she has upper respatory infection and phneoima.
so keep her in your prayers i would like this little girl to get well so
she can come home to the shelter and have a nice happy christmas with us
I would like to know how inthe F someone would be so D-- stupit to let
a ferret out on the dead ass cold 10 degree weather she would have died
with in hours or mins should i say.  yes im very upset I would like to
ring this jerks neck and hang him out in the 10 degree weather with no
clothes on and see how he likes it.  im still thinking its the kid that
worked at the convence store it was his weasel well shes a ferret around
4 years my guess possable adranel..
going to get some shut eye.
[Posted in FML issue 5087]