My oldest fuzzie is almost 3 years old, and the first time I ever saw any
of mine tail thump was about 6 months ago.  I was freaked out, and very
excited.  Since none of mine had ever done that, and I'd had my oldest,
Frankie, since he was about 8-9 weeks old, I thought something was wrong.
I called one of my ferret buddies who said, of course they do that...
Well, how was I supposed to know.  Mine do it when they are playing
"this is my tube not yours", when you have them cornered during a game
of chase, or just when they want to hear their mommy squeal with delight
or giggle.  I LOVE IT and wish they'd do it more.  I just get the biggest
kick out of it, you'd think I was a toddler with how excited I get.  Oh
well, my fuzzies keep me young (as if I'm old, but anyway)...
Jen and Archie
The Naughty Nine
and their cat and dog
[Posted in FML issue 5084]