I don't know if anyother ferret owners have noticed this behavior.  We
have 5 ferrets.  They range in age and are from different breeders.  The
second youngest, Bourbon, who is one year old likes to bit the carpet
after he's a liquid treat.  Something like ferretone, laxtone, or
deliever 2.0.  He just started this behavior a few weeks ago.  We keep
up on their dental care.  But this act is only brought on by him eating
liquid treats.  We have 9 ferrets all together, but these 5 live with
my fiance and I.  The other 4 live with my folks.  These guys get out
everyday and usually are out all day in the bedroom, or should I say
"the ferret room." The've taken it over.  If anyone has noticed this
strange behavior and can share their thoughts, I would be appreciative.
Andria Ludwig
East Lansing, Michigan
[Posted in FML issue 5084]