Thanks so much!
Buddy is finally home!  The techs and doc were so nice, they knew I was
happy and anxious to see him by the way I was...hovering over them!
When he came out he actually sniffed my face without making his usual
scrunchy-nose-face.  I paid (only $450 including three cans of A/D) and
we left.  I was thinking about living situations for about a week.  His
sutures need to come out in a couple weeks by the vet.  He has a huge
incision, but nicely stitched up.  I kissed him on his bare bald spot
on the top of his head.  About 8 weeks and his fur should be growing
back in!
So the living arrangements are pretty good.  I have a huge four story
cage that my other four are in right now, while Buddy is in my/their
room.Everything is on one level that way.  And I replaced the litter
boxes with paper towels (he peed for like 6 hours when I let him out!!)
so he wouldn't rip his sutures.  He has beds with shallow entrances to
protect his belly, also.  I am soooo glad to have my baby home!  Maybe
his attitude will change when he starts getting better.  He used to be
my sweet boy, not a rough, jittery one.
So it turned out to be a lefty (thank goodness) with a huuuge tumor.
The whole gland was taken out.
He is a bit groggy, but surprisingly alert-very good.
Thanks again, I will continue to keep you updated!  I am so glad this
surgery is over.  Whew!
Krista and her five fuzzy kids:)
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[Posted in FML issue 5084]