Ok, I am going to start a new thread here.
Here is a question to all of us who are owned by ferrets.
How many of us have tail thumpers, tail waggers and what do you do to get
them going.
My Kyba is a major tail thumper.  My definition of a "thumper" rather
than a wagger is this.  Kyba only wags his tail in two places, hanging
over the rim of the toilet or inside of things to make that hysterical
sound.  He knows that I will laugh and laugh when he does it.  This
mainly occurs inside the Ferret Freeway as long as I run my hand along
the outside first.  I remember Kyba gave us a real scare once.  Like
most ferrets, always in mischief, Kyba found his way to my bathroom and
accidently swallowed a Sudafed.  We found him in full blown seizures
about 10min later.  We rushed him to the ER vet and a day and a half
later, he came home.  I tell you, the first thump after that, I was
elated and knew my Kyba was ok and was returning to normal.
Lucifer has only wagged two times to my memory.  The first time she was
just a kit.  The next and last to date, was when I brought her little
brother Shea home.
Shea does tail wag, but you need to catch him in a REALLY excited mood.
He is more vocal, which is odd because he is a deafy.  So rather than
wag, he dooks and hee hee's and chatters the most.
Lets see how many other waggers and thumpers are out there and what does
that crazy sound do to us hoomans.
Sandy Z
and the Troublesome Threesome
Lucifer, Kyba and Shea
[Posted in FML issue 5083]