Last Sunday we lost a wonderful furry family member.  Jack as a
schipperke who loved all cats and ferrets.  I think it was because he
was so small.  Occasionally he would manage to bolt out of the house
and run up the back woods to one of our neighbors house who had a dog
he liked to play with.  One this occasion we were trying to be extra
careful to not let him out and he ran right between the legs of our
German Shepherd when we were trying to help her out side (she has
problems walking).
Jack was returned to me several hours later.  The man who picked him up
said he was alive but limping whe he found him.  He passed on the way
home.  He was hit on one of the only roads I didn't drive down when I
went out searching.
I know the below story is not about ferrets but it was something that my
mind has been nagging me to write.
Please do not post slams about how I should have been more careful.  My
family was hit realy hard by this loss.  Everyone loved Jack and we miss
him dearly.
           Jack Arrives at Rainbow Bridge
Jack looked around him.  Just moments ago he had been playing with his
best friend Ginger and now he found himself in this strange misty place.
To his right was a gate that was made from one huge pearl and just a
little to the left was a smaller gate with an old wooden bridge behind
it.  As Jack approached the smaller gate he noticed two stately German
Shepherds on either side of the gatepost standing watch.
Where am I Jack asked in a small voice.  Am I being punished for
running away from my mommy?  I just wanted to see my friend.  She and
I were running and there was a big noise and I remember my feet were
no longer on the ground and I couldnt breath.  As I stood there
someone picked me up and drove me home.
The last thing I remember was looking down and seeing my mommy picking
me up from the stranger's car.  I heard him say something about my leg
but my mommy just shook her head and sadly said thank you, but it's
to late.  She was holding my body close as she walked up the driveway.
I saw she was crying and I kept trying to touch her but I couldn't.  I
kept trying to tell her not to cry that I was still there but she didn't
seem to hear me.
One of the German Shepherds named SGT Dino smiled kindly and told Jack
that he was no longer on earth.  What Jack was now standing in front of
was what was called Rainbow Bridge.  On the other side he would be able
to wait for him mommy and the rest of his family who would join him some
As SGT Dino was explaining this a soft voice interrupted We'll take it
from here Dino  When they turned around there standing in the mist was
a large white cat with piercing blue eyes and a smaller Main Coon.
Casper!  Mefur! Dino and Jack exclaimed with delight.  The two looked
at each other in surprise and said together How do you know.? Casper
interrupted before things got complicated.  He explained to Dino Jack
came to live at Harmony House shortly after you assumed your guard duties
here at the bridge.  Casper then turned to Jack and said "You'll find
you have many more family members here you never knew about.  Mefur
broke away from Dino who was giving him a wash.  I was lucky Mefur
said.  Dino was on duty when I arrived here a couple months ago and he
sent for Casper to be my guide.  He introduced me to Sandee, a ferret
guide who knew about some of my fuzzy brothers and sisters who were like
family to me.  "It will be easer here with family."
But where is Mommy?  And David and Grammy and Grampy Jack cried.
Mommy was crying when I left and Im so worried about Grampy.  Who
is going to snuggle with him on the days he cant get out of bed?
Everything will be alright Said Casper in a calm voice.  The ferrets
have a pool where you can look down and see the family and whisper
messages.  You'll meet Gizmo and Goldrush there who were friends of mine
and Mommy Gerry.  In the dog garden Mefur will introduce to some very
special dog friends.  Sambo and DeeDee were two dogs your mommy knew when
she was growing up.  Buff was a friend of your Grammy and Max was your
Grampys last friend before you came.  There is a special spot for you
in the garden just as mommys family has a spot located in the woods.
Jack hung his head  I still miss them he said.  I know, said Casper
as he brushed himself lovingly against Jack's side.  But we are here and
we will all wait together until the day they come to be with us.
[Posted in FML issue 5108]