I too had a ferret incident that was MY FAVORITE Christmas present.  Mine
was that my Sammy was HERE in the present, when I thought he had fought
as much as he could, but could not fight any longer, and would be at the
Bridge for Christmas..
I'm going to try to put this in a condensed version.  On a Friday(?),
about 2 weeks ago now, Sammy started to act "off".  Not really real sick,
just "off".  I had tried home remedies, such as steaming in the bathroom,
steaming with ferret R/x from a pan, I tried Children's dye free
antihistamine, all of this because he had started to develop a "cough"
This was more like a "hack" It was an awful, awful noise.  It was more
than just his usual allergic cough.
I took him in and VIOLA*** he pee'd on the floor, mystery solved, he
pee'd almost straight blood., BLADDER INFECTION!!!!!!  We thought we were
home free as we now knew what we were fighting.  Next day, brought him
back, next day brought him back.  Dr Parker, the most wonderfully kind
and unselfish person that she is, stayed after hours to see him.  By
this point Sammy was exhausted, it was killing me to see him like this..
Everytime he'd finish having a "hacking" episode, (like approx. 10-12
hacks per episode) he'd just go almost limp in my arms.  I knew he
couldn't take much more.  X-rays were taken, turned out there was fluid
in his lungs.  Dr Parker removed it and he felt MUCH better.  We started
another antibiotic, a diuretic, and some other meds.  SO........8 days,
about $750.00 later, my Sammy-man, Sammy-boy, Sam-the-man, and now, Sammy
my warrior.  He fought hard not to give in and just go to the Bridge.
Turns out that on top of the bladder infection, he had developed a lung
infection caused by years of irritation.  That made perfect sense as he
had had an allergic cough since the time he was a kit.  Sorry- I can't
remember the name of it, but I'm going to call Dr. Parker's office to get
the name.
Well, that wsn't very short, but I think I put enough for y'all to get
the gist of all that Sammy went through, and how, if he would have let
his guard down for just a little bit, He most likely would have passed.
Even Dr. Parker thought that.  I did not put that boy for days.
My wonderful holiday moment is having my most precious boy, my
Sammy-man., Sammy-boy, Sam-Sam,( I could go on for a longggggggtime!!!!)
here with me still.  I feel that's is truly a gift, as all the way to
Towne Lake from Acworth, I was begging God to please not take y Sammy.
He answered my prayer.  As I watched Sammy sleep in his hammy, he looked
so peaceful, and so much better, and oh so very cute.  I picked him up
gently, and placed him on my chest as I lie on the couch in the fert
room.  I could feel his little hert beating with mine.  I felt his little
ferrety breath, and inhaled every sigh, as if having his breath mix with
mine could make him even more a part of me!  As I lay there, I must have
said thank you a ga-zillion times.  Half of those ga-zillion thank you-s
were to Sammy, for being such a strong boy, for not giving up, for
staying here with me, at least for as long as Adrenal and insulinoma wil
let him.  Having Sammy, being able to hold him and rock him, was the most
beautiful, and memorable holiday moment of all.
I hope for all of you to have a peace-filled, & healthy new year!!
Dooks & Hugs to You All!!!!
Sue & Crew
[Posted in FML issue 5108]