Hiya all, dis is SaraFerret.  Sandee is still out for tail braiding
infection, and Mully is out with Nanna somewhere probably getting chewed
by her.  So I is what you get.  Personally I wishes I could have had a
nice fur coat, but guess what I got.  A thin sable coat--not fluffy, but
enough so you can see that I am no longer naked.  I runs around and sorta
drove everyone bonkers saying I gots fur, I gots fur.  At which point, a
mink and a blackfoot threw snowballs at me as they wanted to sleep from
the big dinner the other day.
So I was waiting at de Bridge for the ferret who was next in line to
cross.  My notes said Casper--hmmm so I guesses dat means he's and albino
or something.  OOPS!  THere he is loaded down with something in his
secret backpack.  Wait he isnt a white ferret, he's a cinnamon.  He is
being hesitant--oh good grief-please Casper come on across, dont make me
crawl out on to de bridge especially wit high winds today.  A tear rolls
down my cheek--den I just decide ya gotta do it
SaraFerret-dats yr job.
Hiya Casper I yells across, well lets say he jumps high in de air.  Who
is you he said somewhat hesitantly.  I is SaraFerret,one of the bridge
greeters.  You can do it Casper--come on--but its swaying he says, I know
I know it is, but I really dont wants to crawl over dere to get you.
Casper repeats to himself very loudly, I am a boy ferret, I am a boy
ferret, I dont want de others to tink I am a sissy boy ferret.  So he
crawls across de bridge which is not easy on a good day, and definitely
not bringing a loaded backpack.  But he slowly crawls across and he is
instantly greeted with shouts of we knew ya could do it Casper and den
all of his business who could make it hugged him and bounced around --
bouncey bounceybouncey--I was getting a bit dizzy from all dis.  But
anyways I thought I should greet him formally.  I did so and he was happy
to sees me as his mom my said he might see me at de bridge.  Whatcha got
in your secret backpack we all asks--wait he says--how did you know I
had a secret backpack.well we all giggled--all ferrets have secret
backpacks-- okay I guess-if I shows you do I still gets to keep it.
Sure I says.
Okay he dragged out his special loved to death blankie--he was so proud
of it.  We all admired the blankie and he says oops, I has to run to de
reflecting pool to tell mommy dat I is here.  Uh-uh Casper your mommy
wont be able to see you and unless de clouds are right you wont be able
to see your mommy.  In fact, we are sposed to be past our probation
before we get to go there.  But after everyone is gone (I whispers to
him--I'll check wit de BOSS and if He okays it, den we will sneaks over
dere when de others arent looking.  But first tings first, as we zipped
over to de Wing and Halo Kit House and he says what dis place?  Well you
wants wings dont you-- sure he says--well okay--which ones do you want.
He asks me do I gets a choice--well usually unless Auntie Mary Ferret
who is in charge here decides differently--you will understand when you
meets her.  Sure enough--dere was Auntie Mary inside the house and she
had a long package in her hands.  Come on Casper, you boys sure takes
your time--trust me Caspers mouth dropped open and den he closed it real
fast.  Here are your wings and halo and a hammie she says.  I asks her
very quiet he gets no choice?  She says not him He will takes all day.
Besides I have better taste den him.  (Auntie Mary isnt very tactful)  So
off he goes with two kits to try de wings on and when he comes back, he
was transformed to a gorgeous ferret angel with sliver wings and a silver
halo to match.  Casper says well I guess she has better taste den I would
have had.  Okay, scratch that off the checklist--I have to carry this
info around or as de BOSS says I would lose my head witout it.  Boss has
a sense of humor.  Den all of us went by his new digs with his business,
but I shoo de others on to de welcome party.  Come on Cazzie, here is de
pool--and he saw mommy and she was crying but she kept looking up to see
if he would appear.  Well he didnt but Casper waved and said hey Mommy I
made it here and SaraFerret is showing me around.  And as though Mommy
could see him, she looked up and had de biggest smile.  We was all real
tired but his business had had a party planned so off we went and Casper
begins his new life at de Bridge
Huggies, dooks and lots of love
SaraFerret at de Rainbow Bridge
[Posted in FML issue 5107]